Macroeconomic data and reports of Nepal

The macroeconomic dataset in this blog contains time-series data of the macroeconomic variables of Nepal. All the datasets and reports in this blog are public goods and are freely downloadable. The data sources are Nepal Rastra Bank, Ministry of Finance, Central Bureau of Statistics, International Monetary fund, World Bank, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and so on. The dataset in this blog is free and downloadable.

The database contains the data on the Real Sector (GDP, GNP, GNDI, GDP per capita, GNI per capita, GNDI per capita), External Sector (Remittance, Import, Export, grants, exchange rate, transfers, FDI), Price (Inflation, CPI), Monetary sector (M2, Deposits, interest rate, deposits of BFIs, credit of BFIs), and the Government sector (Current expenditure, Capital Expenditure, Budget deficit, Foreign grants, and Foreign aid). 

If anyone wants to contribute to this database, please contact me in messenger.

Macroeconomic Datasets


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